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Corporate Governance

Policy and Basic Concept

The Ricoh Group is working to enhance its governance system in accordance with social awareness and various stakeholders aimed at strengthening competitiveness and continuously improving the system while ensuring transparency based on corporate ethics and legal compliance. In this way, the Ricoh Group will achieve continuous growth, and improve corporate value and shareholder value.

The Ricoh Group established The Ricoh Way as a set of guiding principles and values that serve as the foundation for all our business activities. The Ricoh Way, which comprises our founding principles, Mission & Vision, and Values, is the foundation of our management policy and strategy, and also is the basis of its autonomous corporate governance.

The Company has introduced a corporate audit system. In addition, the Company is making efforts to enhance oversight of executive management by the Board of Directors and enhance execution of operations by the executive officer system. Furthermore, by appointing Outside Directors, the Company is making efforts toward further improvement of corporate governance by decision-making and oversight of executive management through discussion from their independent perspectives.

The nomination and compensation of Directors and Executive Officers are deliberated by the Nomination Committee and the Compensation Committee, advisory bodies that are comprised of a majority of Independent Outside Directors. The recommendations of each committee are reported to the Board of Directors.

As of November 15, 2023

Structures and Systems

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for management oversight and essential decision-making for Group management. By appointing highly independent Outside Directors, the Group ensures greater transparency in its management and fair decision-making.

By leveraging the expertise and experience of each Director who is not concurrently serving as an Executive Officer, including Independent Outside Directors and Executive Directors in holding serious discussion on important issues, the Company encourages initiatives in new areas of growth, creating a structure that allows for management oversight from the viewpoints of various stakeholders, including shareholders. As a rule, all Directors must attend at least 80% of meetings of the Board of Directors, and are required to provide an effective supervisory function for corporate management.

The Board of Directors is chaired by an Independent Outside Director, and Independent Outside Directors on the Board of Directors constitute a majority. In fiscal 2022, five (5) of the eight (8) Directors were Independent Outside Directors. In addition, the Company appoints a Lead Independent Director to enable Outside Directors to better fulfill their roles and functions on the Board of Directors. The Lead Independent Director will be responsible for improving and enhancing governance in collaboration with the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and will serve as the leader of Independent Outside Directors at the Company.

The appointment of the Lead Independent Director will be made as necessary based on the judgment of the Board of Directors in light of the Company’s management situation and the appointment of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Directors. Appropriate collaboration and division of roles by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Lead Independent Director will ensure the smooth operation of the Board of Directors and the fulfillment of its functions.

Furthermore, the Company has appointed a Chairperson in April 2023. In appointing the Chairperson, the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee carefully deliberated on the role to be played by the Chairperson so that the relationship of its authority and responsibility with those of the CEO would be clear. As a result, the role of the Chairperson in the Company has been defined as an Internal Director who primarily supervises management, does not concurrently serve as an Executive Officer, and is not involved in the day-today execution of the Company’s business. The definition has been clearly stated in the internal rules and regulations. Based on the above roles, the delegation of the Chairperson’s duties is based on the perspectives of strengthening the supervisory function, providing support to the business execution, and external activities. By granting the Chairperson representative authority, we have further strengthened the Chairperson’s support to the business execution and external activities, and clarified the position to fulfill his or her responsibilities in order to enhance corporate value. The position and duties of the Chairperson are reviewed on a regular basis in light of the business environment and execution.

Board of Directors structure
  • Maximum number of Directors: 8
  • Current number of Directors: 10 (including 5 Outside Directors)
  • Term: 1 year

As of June 23, 2023

Board Culture

and stances that underpin that body's deliberations, decisions, and actions to help enhance corporate value.It accordingly established the following values for Board culture in fiscal 2022.

The Board of Directors shall:

    The Board of Directors reflected on Ricoh's founding spirit to discuss the ideas

  1. Honor the Spirit of Three Loves, engaging with and respecting the interests of shareholders, customers, employees, partner companies, communities and society, and other stakeholders while overseeing management strategies and plans that help resolve social issues.
  2. The chairperson shall objectively lead diverse and highly independent Board members in engaging and constructive deliberations that value a diversity of open and free viewpoints. Management shall faithfully reflect the results of deliberations.
  3. Board members shall understand their social responsibilities, make robust decisions for the future, and oversee management's implementation of decisions, so Ricoh can enhance medium- and long-term corporate value by delivering exceptional business growth, capital profitability, and ESG performances.

With the business climate and management structure changing, the Board will constantly refer back to the culture described above in deliberating, making decisions, choosing directors, and engaging with shareholders and other stakeholders.

Conceptual diagram of Ricoh Board culture


Audit and Supervisory Board

The Audit & Supervisory Board discusses and decides on audit policies and assignment of duties, audits the execution of duties by Directors, plays a supervisory function on management through cooperating with the Company's Independent Auditor and the internal audit division, and auditing internal departments and subsidiaries. In addition to the Board of Directors and its advisory committee meetings, Audit & Supervisory Board Members attend other important meetings and regularly exchange information with the Representative Director and Outside Directors.

The Company has five Audit & Supervisory Board Members, comprising two (2) full-time members who are familiar with internal circumstances and three outside members who meet the requirements for independent Audit & Supervisory Board Member set by the Company, and the majority of the members are independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members. In addition, the Audit & Supervisory Board is required to secure necessary knowledge, experience, and specialized abilities in a well-balanced manner in forming the Audit & Supervisory Board. We have built a system that enables deep discussions from an independent and objective perspective, capitalizing on a wealth of experience and wide-ranging insight in the specialized fields of each Audit & Supervisory Board Member.

Audit and Supervisory Board structure
  • Maximum number of Audit and Supervisory Board Members: 5
  • Current number of Audit and Supervisory Board Members: 5 (including 3 Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Members)
  • Term: 4 years

As of May 19,2023

Framework for the Audit and Supervisory Board Office to assist the execution by Audit and Supervisory Board Members


Coordination of the audit function

In order to ensure effective performance of duties by Audit & Supervisory Board Members, in addition to the activities reported in the Notes on the Audit Performance, the Audit & Supervisory Board coordinates as appropriate with Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the Independent Auditor and Internal Audit Office to strengthen and enhance all aspects of the Company's audit function.

1. Three-way audit coordination

Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the Independent Auditor and the Internal Audit Office (the Company’s internal audit division), meet to discuss audit policies, plans and methods. In addition, basic information and risk information related to subsidiaries has been organized into “integrated risk information database for the Ricoh Group,” which can be shared and used effectively by each audit body. The Audit & Supervisory Board also holds quarterly three-way audit meetings with the Independent Auditor and the Internal Audit Office, to exchange information on the details and results of audits, and exchange opinions regarding matters such as the status of internal control and risk assessment, with the aim of ensuring a shared awareness of issues.

  1. Coordination between Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Internal Audit Office

    Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members hold regular monthly meetings with the Internal Audit Office to discuss the results of audits and ensure a shared awareness of issues. In addition, the Internal Audit Office reports quarterly to the Audit & Supervisory Board on the status of its activities, and engages in an exchange of opinions that includes the perspectives of Independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

  2. Coordination between Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Independent Auditor

    The results of audits and other information are shared at the three-way audit meetings and information exchange meetings. Meetings are also held as appropriate on specific themes, facilitating prompt exchange of information and discussion.

  3. Coordination between the Independent Auditor and the Internal Audit Office

    Audit results and information are regularly shared between the Independent Auditor and the Internal Audit Office. In addition, information is promptly exchanged and discussed on specific themes.

Training for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Training for the Company's Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members has the objective of enabling constructive discussion that contributes to improving shareholder value and corporate value through the oversight functions of the Board of Directors. It is conducted by acquiring and updating knowledge specific to the duties and environment for each of the Company's Internal and Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members. The goal of the training is to enable them to fulfill their roles and responsibilities appropriate for an executive who holds a position in the Company's important governing bodies.

Upon appointment of Internal Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, training is provided to allow these persons to confirm their expected roles and duties, as well as acquire knowledge necessary to carry out their duties, including knowledge regarding corporate governance, law, and finance. Even after appointment, training opportunities are provided via internal/external training and e-learning initiatives suited to each Director and Audit & Supervisory Board Member so they can update their knowledge.

Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members are appointed from among those who have adequate insight and experience necessary to carry out duties. Upon appointment, to enable them to deepen their understanding of the Company's current status, they are briefed on topics such as business strategy, financial conditions, and organizational structure as well as make site visits to key locations as required. In addition, even after appointment, efforts are made to ensure and improve the management oversight function of the Board of Directors and the effectiveness of audits by Audit & Supervisory Board Members, through the regular provision and sharing of information on the status of the Company, the management environment, risks in business operations, etc., as well as the provision of an opportunity to grasp the actual situation of the company, such as participation as an observer in the management meeting (Group Management Committee) and site inspections.

To confirm that the above measures are being conducted appropriately, their results are reported to the Board of Directors.


Nomination Committee/Compensation Committee

Decisions on the nomination of the CEO and other senior managers, and their compensation, etc. are one of the most important matters for management oversight by the Board of Directors. The Company secures transparency and objectivity of appointment and dismissal, and compensation of Directors and Executive Officers, etc. by establishing the “Nomination Committee,” which is chaired by an Independent Outside Director, with Independent Outside Directors making up the majority; and the “Compensation Committee.” In addition, one Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member attends the deliberations of the Nomination Committee and Compensation Committee as an observer at each meeting.The Nomination Committee and Compensation Committee for fiscal 2022 each consisted of four Independent Outside Directors and one Internal Director.

Governance and Directors' Review and Outside Executive Meetings

Governance review meetings are held to provide a forum for comprehensive discussions on the Ricoh Group’s direction of governance and related issues by Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and other relevant parties. The outline of the review meetings held is disclosed in the Corporate Governance Report and other documents.

Directors’ review meetings are held to provide an opportunity and sufficient time for prior discussions by Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members to resolve on important company themes (such as the midterm management strategy) at Board of Directors meetings.

From the viewpoint of active contribution to discussions at meetings of the Board of Directors, the Outside Executive Meeting serves as a forum to share information and perspectives based on the independent and objective standpoints among Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members, as well as between Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members and other executives.

Group Management Committee

The Group Management Committee (GMC), chaired by the President and Chief Executive Officer and consisting of executive officers who fulfill certain conditions, has been established as a decision-making body authorized by the Board of Directors. The GMC facilitates deliberations and renders decisions on the Group’s overall management from the perspective of total optimization. While items requiring a resolution of the Board of Directors are stipulated in the Board of Directors Regulations, matters for approval or important items related to business execution that do not satisfy these criteria are decided by the GMC. The following items regarding the execution of duties by the GMC are reported to the Board of Directors at least once every three months.

Disclosure Committee

This committee is composed of representatives from different functional organizations, including the disclosure management division, accounting division, legal division, business planning division, Board of Directors operating division, public relations division, and internal control division, information-generating and acknowledging departments, the Supervising Organizations managing affiliates, and the CFO, who is responsible for information disclosure.

Internal Control Committee

The Internal Control Committee is an organization to deliberate and make decisions on the internal control system of the whole Ricoh Group.

This committee is composed of GMC members and is chaired by the CEO. Delegated by the CEO, the committee determines the policies for internal control activities of the entire Ricoh Group in accordance with internal control principles, and periodically evaluates and rectifies the internal control development and operation status. In consideration of environmental changes, the committee makes proposals to the Board of Directors to revise the internal control principles as necessary.

Risk Management Committee

It is an advisory body to the GMC that was established to strengthen risk management processes across the entire Ricoh Group. The committee is chaired by the corporate officer in charge of risk management and has experts from each organization as members to ensure comprehensive coverage of risks and substantial discussions, and to propose to the GMC specific risks requiring response or focus in terms of the management of the Ricoh Group. Furthermore, the committee will review and restructure the risk management system as necessary, in order to strengthen the effectiveness of risk management across the Ricoh Group.

In addition, in order to establish a more effective and integrated risk management system through coordination between management and each business execution organization, we have appointed risk management managers and promoters from each organization, and established an autonomous risk management system for each organization.

Moreover, at the Group Risk Management Collaboration Reinforcement Conference for each risk management promoter, study sessions and information sharing related to risk management are held, and ongoing efforts are making the organization more responsive to risk.

Investment Committee

This advisory body to the GMC scrutinizes investment plans in financial perspective terms in view of capital costs and in terms of profitability and growth risks from business strategy perspectives. The committee aims to accelerate and improve investment decision-making for diverse external investment and funding projects through members representing different functional organizations engage in preliminary assessments and discussions to be more consistent with management strategies and improve investment effectiveness.

ESG Committee

The ESG Committee aims to respond promptly and appropriately to the expectations and requests of stakeholders by continuously discussing environmental, social, and governance issues faced by the Ricoh Group. Chaired by the president and CEO and comprising* internal directors, GMC members, and business unit presidents, this decision- making body meets every quarter.

Outside auditors participate as observers

Election of Directors

Approach to Election of Directors

Election Criteria for Directors

Management capabilities

Superior insight and judgment necessary for management functions

  1. Knowledge of a wide range of businesses and functions, and the ability to think and make decisions appropriately from a company-wide and long-term perspective
  2. Insight into the essence of issues
  3. Vision to make best decisions on a global leve
  4. Judgment and insight based on extensive experience, as well as excellent track record leading to significant improvements in corporate value and competitive strength
  5. Ability to think and make decisions appropriately from the perspective of various stakeholders including shareholders and customers based on a firm awareness of corporate governance
Character and personality

Positive trust relationships between Directors and management team for smooth performance of the oversight function

  1. Integrity (honesty, moral values and ethics); exemplifies fair and honest decisions and actions based on a high sense of morality and ethics in addition to the strict observance of laws, regulations, and internal rules.
  2. Ability to interact with others with deference and trust based on a spirit of respect for humanity and set an example for decisions and actions that respect the personality and individuality of others based on a deep understanding and acceptance of diverse values and ideas.

Election criteria for Outside Directors

In addition to the same election criteria as for Internal Directors stated above, the election criteria for Outside Directors include expertise in different fields, problem discovery and solving capabilities, insight, strategic thinking capabilities, risk management capabilities, and leadership qualities. Outside Directors must also meet the Company’s standards for independence of Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Diversity Policy

We believe that the Company's Board of Directors should be composed of directors with management ability and a rich sense of humanity, in addition to diverse viewpoints and backgrounds, in addition to sophisticated multilateral skills. When considering diversity, our policy is to select candidates based on their character and insight without distinction of race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, etc. In addition, we also ensure diversity of expertise and experience in various management-related fields.

Election Process and Evaluation Process for Directors

We are making ongoing efforts to strengthen and enhance corporate governance for our sustainable growth and improvement of corporate and shareholder value.

Nomination Committee

The Board established the Nomination Committee, which ensures that procedures for appointing, dismissing, and evaluating Directors, the CEO, and other management team members are objective, transparent, and timely. In order to enhance objectivity and independence, the committee is chaired by a Non-executive Director, and the majority of the members are Non-executive Directors, with at least half being outside directors. During fiscal 2021, the committee was chaired by an Outside Director with four Outside Directors, one internal Non-executive Director, one Internal Executive Director, and a majority of Outside Directors.

The Nomination Committee deliberates on the following inquiries and reports on the deliberation and conclusions to the Board of Directors.

Inquiry items
  1. Nomination of candidates for CEO and Directors
  2. Whether or not the CEO and Directors should be replaced
  3. Evaluation of the performance of the CEO and Executive Directors
  4. Confirmation of status of CEO succession plans and development of future CEO candidates
  5. Confirmation of appointment/dismissal proposals and reasons therefore for Executive Officers, Advisors, and Fellows*1
  6. Review of the evaluation of Non-executive Directors*2, their positions, and the nature of their assignments
  7. Approval or disapproval on the formulation, revision or abolishment of appointment/dismissal systems for Directors and Executive Officers
  8. Other matters individually consulted by the Board of Directors
Fellow: The Company defines a “fellow” as a person who holds excellent technological prowess or knowledge recognized in the world, and who is able to further pursue his or her expertise, and lead research activities for utilizing and developing such expertise. Fellows are appointed by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Non-executive Director: An Internal Director who does not concurrently serve as an Executive Officer and is not involved in the day-to-day execution of the Company’s business
Other agenda items
  1. Confirmation of reasons for selecting candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Member based on requests from the Audit & Supervisory Board
  2. Confirmation of performance evaluation of Executive Officers
  3. Other matters consulted by the CEO

Election process

In order to maintain a Board of Directors structure that enables appropriate and effective management decision-making and supervision of business execution, the Nomination Committee undertakes ongoing deliberation on the composition of the Board and the specializations, experience (skills and career matrix), etc. required of Directors. Candidate nominations for Director are deliberated by the Nomination Committee over two sessions and undergo a strict screening process. Based on the reporting from the Nomination Committee, the Board of Directors deliberates from shareholder perspectives. It determines the candidates to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Evaluation process

Directors are evaluated annually by the Nomination Committee. From the year ended March 31, 2019, the former one-step evaluation was modified to a two-step evaluation. In the first evaluation, careful and appropriate deliberations are made on the soundness of Directors to continue in their duties, ensuring timeliness of appointment and dismissal. In the second evaluation, Directors' achievements are evaluated with a multifaceted approach, and their issues are clarified through feedback in an effort to improve the quality of management.

Furthermore, evaluations are based on such standards as “Management oversight status as a Director,” “Financial aspects including key management indicators regarding business results, return on capital, etc.;” and “Contribution to shareholders and evaluation by capital markets.”

Key items for Director evaluation * Excluding Non-Executive and Outside Directors
Evaluation Perspectives Categories Key Evaluation Items Item Details and Supplementary Information
Management oversight Qualities and abilities Actions to maximize corporate and shareholder value, stances on executive oversight and mutual checks and balances among directors, risk management, and vital insights for corporate management
Financial indicators Results Consolidated results Sales, operating profit, profit attributable to owners of the parent, return on equity, return on invested capital, and free cash flow
Status of annual business plan Key measures by business unit and region
Performance under the Mid-Term Management Plan Finance and key measures
Capital market and shareholder indicators Capital markets Share price indicators Share price, market capitalization, and price-to-book ratio
Shareholders Total shareholder returns

Tap to see the table

In evaluating directors, we use total shareholder returns, a criterion for contributing to shareholders and capital market evaluation perspectives. We base the calculation on the average share price for the fiscal year to avert the impact of sudden share price fluctuations.

Holding Period 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years
RICOH (incl. dividends) 95.4% 138.6% 107% 104.5% 113.1% 126%
TOPIX (incl. dividends) 101.2% 120.7% 129.9% 126.5% 128.9% 158.3%
Notes: 1.
March 31, 2023 is the record date for TSR
Notes: 2.
The TSR is calculated using the average of the daily dividend-included stock price for the year in order to equalize the effect of the share price at the beginning and the end of the period

Tap to see the table

Evaluation of CEO and CEO Succession Plan

Evaluation of CEO and CEO Succession Plan

The CEO succession plan is an important initiative for improving shareholder value and corporate value of the Ricoh Group in a continuous manner over the medium to long-term and continuously fulfilling the social responsibilities of the Group as a member of the society.

From the viewpoint of strengthening corporate governance, the Group works to establish a CEO succession plan with procedures that are objective, timely, and transparent.

CEO Evaluation

The CEO is evaluated annually in two steps by the Nomination Committee, at the request of the Board of Directors. In the first evaluation, careful and appropriate deliberations are made on the soundness of the CEO to continue in his/her duties, ensuring timeliness of appointment and dismissal. In the second evaluation, the CEO's achievements are evaluated with a multifaceted approach, and his/her issues are clarified through feedback in an effort to improve the quality of management. The Nomination Committee's deliberations and conclusions on the evaluation of the CEO are reported to the Board of Directors to effectively oversee the CEO.

As with Directors who concurrently serve as Executive Officers, the CEO is evaluated based on the “Management oversight status as a Director,” “Financial aspects including key management indicators regarding business results, return on capital, etc.” and “Contribution to shareholders and evaluation by capital markets” (see above), as well as “Future financial viewpoint” to evaluate his/her overall management supervision and business execution capabilities as a CEO.

Key items for the CEO evaluation
Evaluation Perspectives Category Evaluation Items (typical items) Item Details and Supplementary Notes
Management oversight status Same categories and evaluation items as for Directors
Financial indicators Same as above
Capital market / shareholder indicators Same as above
Future financial indicators ESG Environment Environmental management initiatives
Society SDGs initiatives
Governance System, disclosure, IR, compliance
Employees Development and use of human resources Personnel systems and work environment
Employee engagement External survey
Safety and health Workplace safety and health management
Customers Serious incident Product and information security
Customer satisfaction External survey

Tap to see the table

Selection, development and evaluation of CEO candidates

Once a year, the CEO prepares a list of potential future CEO candidates together with a development plan for them and elaborates on the proposals at the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee deliberates on the validity of the CEO candidate list and development plans, provides advice to the CEO on candidate development, and reports the findings to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors confirms the validity of the candidate selection and development plans upon reporting from the Nomination Committee and is actively involved in the selection and development of CEO candidates.

Selection of candidates

CEO candidates are selected by terms in the table on the left according to the timing of the change. The backup candidate in case of accident in the table on the left is determined via resolution of the Board of Directors at the same time the CEO is selected.

Terms Number of persons selected
Backup candidate in case of accident One
First candidate in line Several
Second candidate in line Several
Development of candidates

The Nomination Committee deliberates on the development plan for future CEO candidates and gives guidance to the CEO, who provides growth opportunities suited to each candidate according to their individual targets, allowing the candidates to accumulate experience. The CEO also gives direct guidance to promote the candidate's development based on individual assessment.

Evaluation of candidates

CEO candidates receive annual evaluations. The CEO reports on the achievements and growth of each candidate during the development period (April to March next year) to the Nomination Committee in early November (the evaluation period is from April to October, which is the month before the Nomination Committee meets). The Nomination Committee deliberates whether to maintain or replace individuals on the CEO candidate list. Where necessary, it assesses candidates, tapping advice from outside experts and other sources, reports on its findings to the Board of Directors. Upon reporting from the Nomination Committee, the Board of Directors evaluates the CEO candidates. It confirms the validity of deliberations on which candidates are to remain and is actively involved in the process.

Matters concerning compensation for Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board Members, etc.

Compensation policy

Executive compensation is positioned as an effective incentive to achieve sustainable increases in corporate earnings for the medium to long term in the pursuit of increased shareholder value of the Ricoh Group. In addition, from the viewpoint of strengthening corporate governance, measures to secure objectivity, transparency, and validity are taken in setting up compensation levels and determining individual compensation. Ricoh determines executive compensation based on the following basic policies:

Compensation composition
  • Three elements: i) basic compensation that reflects expected roles and responsibilities, ii) bonuses that reflect business results (performance-linked compensation), and iii) compensation that reflects medium- to long-term increase in shareholder value.
  • Compensation for internal Non-executive Directors is comprised only of basic compensation and bonuses in light of their role of overseeing business execution with extensive knowledge of the actual situation of the Company serving full-time.
  • Compensation for Outside Directors responsible for management oversight and Audit & Supervisory Board Members responsible for auditing is comprised only of basic compensation in order for them to focus on fair oversight and auditing, thereby ensuring independence from the execution of business.
  • The Company will ensure objectivity, transparency and appropriateness in designing the compensation system, setting compensation levels and determining individual compensation through appropriate external benchmarks and ongoing deliberations and monitoring by the Compensation Committee.
  • The Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors deliberates on the appropriateness of individual director compensation amounts based on the results of the Nomination Committee's evaluation of Directors and other factors.

Policy on deciding the content of individual compensation, etc., and matters related to performance-linked compensation, non-monetary compensation, etc., for fiscal 2022

Process for determining compensation

The Company has established the Compensation Committee to build a more objective and transparent compensation review process that helps increase profits, enhance corporate value, and strengthen corporate governance through incentives. The Compensation Committee determines base compensation, bonuses, compensation for acquiring stock, and stock-based compensation linked to performance following multiple deliberations based on the compensation standards for Directors and business performance and on the Nomination Committee’s evaluation of Directors, and presents recommendations to the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors assesses and approves remuneration plans from the Compensation Committee. The Board of Directors determines the total bonus pool after confirming that amounts for each Director are in line with the formula for such bonuses, and decides whether to submit a Director bonus payment proposal at the General Meeting of Shareholders. Payments are subject to shareholder approval in that gathering of the proposal.

Policy for determining compensation level

In order to ensure appropriate linkage with corporate performance, the Compensation Committee confirms every fiscal year whether the target level of the Company’s performance has been secured for each compensation category of basic compensation and short-, medium-, and long-term incentives. The compensation levels of the peer group officers based on the results of a survey by an external professional organization are used as guides, while the payment rate for short-, medium-, and long-term incentives is set to fluctuate according to the Company’s performance.

Approximately 20 companies are selected from among competitors in the office automation field, electrical equipment manufacturers, and global companies of similar size (in terms of net sales, number of employees, etc.).
Compensation for Directors
Type Name Internal Director Outside Director Comments
Fixed Basic compensation Compensation based on roles and responsibilities
Variable (short-term) Performance-linked bonuses Linked to performance target achievements
Variable (medium and long-term) Compensation for acquiring stock All payments used to acquire Ricoh shares through Executive Stock Ownership Plan
Stock-based compensation linked to performance Incentive to enhance shareholder and corporate values over medium through long terms

Tap to see the table

i) Basic compensation (fixed)

Basic compensation is monetary compensation paid monthly during the term of office as a compensation that reflects the roles and responsibilities expected of Directors. The amount of compensation is decided within the range of the total amount of compensation determined at the general meeting of shareholders, and the total amount of compensation paid for fiscal 2022 was 263.01 million yen.

Compensation composition Prime methods for setting compensation levels
Internal Directors Centering on compensation for management oversight roles and compensation reflecting the importance of management roles and responsibilities, with additional compensation for those in representative Director, Nomination and Compensation committee members and other roles
  • Weightings of management responsibilities and roles of Directors serving concurrently as executive officers determined with reference to job grade frameworks of external professional institutions
  • Compensation for non-executive Directors based on roles in overseeing business implementation by drawing on extensive knowledge of in-house situations from full-time service with the Company
Outside Directors Centering on compensation for management oversight roles and compensation for advice to management, with additional compensation for chairperson role of either the Board of Directors, Nomination Committee, Compensation Committee, or others
  • Compensation levels set after referring to objective data from external professional institutions

Tap to see the table

ii) Short-term performance-linked bonuses

The Company pays these bonuses after fiscal year-end in line with operating results and shareholder value improvements during the fiscal year. Ricoh adopted the following indicators in fiscal 2022.

Evaluation indicator Reason (objective)
Consolidated operating profit target achievement rate Hold Directors accountable for increasing earnings and improving profitability by using operating profit, which correlates with market capitalization and demonstrates progress with business activities, as an evaluation indicator
ROE target achievement rate Hold Directors accountable for improving shareholder value by using ROE, a key benchmark for enhancing returns on capital, as an evaluation indicator
Annual Dow Jones Sustainability World Index* rating Incentivize ESG improvements by using the annual Dow Jones Sustainability World Index rating, a tool for confirming companywide ESG efforts, as an evaluation indicator

The Compensation Committee discusses the suitability of individual bonus payment amounts based on results calculations with the formula below, including for Nomination Committee assessments of Directors. It then makes recommendations to the Board of Directors, which decides whether to submit a Director bonus payment proposal at the General Meeting of Shareholders. For fiscal 2022, the Compensation Committee concluded that results calculated according to the formula below were appropriate, and the total bonus payments were ¥74.94 million.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices: Dow Jones & Company of the United States and sustainability investment research firm S&P Global jointly developed these indices, analyzing corporate sustainability from economic, environmental, and social perspectives
iii) Compensation that reflects the improvement of shareholder value (medium- to long-term)

Compensation that reflects the stock price consists of the following “compensation for acquiring stock,” and “stock-based compensation with stock price conditions” for the purpose of further strengthening Directors' commitment to improving the Company's corporate value over the medium- to long-term.

(Compensation for acquiring stock)

This compensation aims to encourage directors to steadily increase their shareholdings in Ricoh and share the benefits and risks of stock price swings with shareholders. We pay a fixed amount each month during the terms of directors, who use the entire amount to purchase Ricoh shares through the Executive Stock Ownership Plan.

The compensation amount is position-based within the total remuneration that shareholders determine at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. The total payment in fiscal 2022 was ¥10.43 million

(Performance linked stock-based compensation)

This is a plan under which the Board Incentive Plan Trust established by the Company acquires the Company’s common stock from the stock exchange market and delivers the number of Company Shares equivalent to the number of points granted by the Company to each Director through the Trust. In principle, Directors will receive Company Shares after the completion of each period subject to performance evaluation (each period of three consecutive fiscal years commencing on April 1 of each year after 2023). The number of points granted to each Director by the Company will be determined based on the base amount for each job grade in accordance with the rule of performance shares determined by the resolution of the Board of Directors and will vary within a range of 0% to 200% by taking into account the evaluation of the Company’s TSR relative to TOPIX (including dividends) growth rate as well as its ranking relative to the total shareholder returns of the peer group, and the degree of achievement of ESG targets during the performance evaluation period. Company Shares will be delivered at a rate of one share per point. In addition, a pre-issuance malus-clawback clause has been established to request the return of stock-based compensation in the event of serious misconduct, etc., that causes an impact on the Company during a Director’s term of office.

The amount of expenses recorded based on the points granted for the fiscal 2022 under the Plan before the amendments was ¥32.03 million, and shares (4,000 shares) were granted to a Director who retired during fiscal 2022 in proportion to the result of the comparison of the Company’s stock price growth rate (95.7%) with the TOPIX growth rate (122.0%) during the tenure of the Director to the accumulated points
4) Compensation for Audit and Supervisory Board Members

Compensation for Audit and Supervisory Board Members consists only of basic compensation for their roles of appropriately performing audits. The Audit and Supervisory Board discusses remuneration levels based on external benchmarking and within the approved range of remuneration amount at the 84th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

Assessing effectiveness of Board of Directors

Summary of Board of Directors effectiveness assessment for fiscal 2022

This evaluation focused not just on the effectiveness of the Board of Directors but also on how executives responded to requests from the Nomination Committee, Compensation Committee, and Board of Directors. In addition, a third-party evaluation was implemented to ensure objectivity.

Fiscal 2022 Board of Directors effectiveness assessment

Evaluation process

The evaluation was conducted through discussions attended by all Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board Members, after sharing their written assessments and the analysis of third-party questionnaires to ensure anonymity. Through the discussions, participants reviewed and evaluated the Board's performance during fiscal 2022, in terms of the basic policies on the operation of the Board of Directors and the three improvement items, which were set forth by the Board in the previous effectiveness assessment.

Basic policies for fiscal 2022
  1. Monitor and support important measures to achieve the goals of the final year of the 20th MTP
  2. Discuss and support the formulation of the 21st MTS with the aim of maximizing corporate value as a digital services company
Action items for fiscal 2022
  1. In a highly uncertain business environment, monitor the progress of key management indicators and measures to achieve the business plan for fiscal 2022, and encourage execution as necessary
  2. In order to maximize corporate value as a digital services company, further enhance discussions on management structure, including business structure transformation, increasing corporate value and capital profitability, and human capital to support this, and reflect the results in the 21st MTS
  3. Along with continuous improvement of corporate governance, inspect and supervise the business unit structure, risk management system, new personnel system, ESG (future finances), etc., to create an environment for sustainable growth

Results summary of the evaluation of effectiveness of the Board of Directors for fiscal 2022

1. Results of operation of the Board of Directors

In fiscal 2022, the final year of the 20th MTP, we monitored the progress of key indicators and measures for each business unit, and also deliberated on medium- and long-term management policies and strategies based on the annual plan as the year for formulating the 21st MTS. With respect to the CEO Succession Plan, the Nomination Committee had sufficient meetings and time to conduct the final selection of the successor CEO and discuss the new management structure.

In addition to the on-site inspections by Outside Directors and Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Members, roundtable discussions with local employees, and participation in management meetings as observers to gain an understanding of the Company's actual situation, opportunities were provided for dialogue through small meetings between shareholders and Outside Directors to deepen discussions from the shareholders' perspective, with the aim of reflecting the shareholders' views in management.

In order to ensure transparency of deliberations at the Board of Directors meetings, the following disclosure regarding time allocated for the agenda items for the fiscal 2022 Board of Directors meetings is provided.


Items to be resolved: In addition to agenda items for resolution by the Board of Directors, these include Directors' review meetings and governance review meetings held to prepare for deliberations
Other: Resolutions in keeping of the provisions of the Companies Act, personnel matters, other individual proposals, and other factors
2. Summary

The following summarizes the results of Board of Directors deliberations regarding written evaluations from directors and members of the Audit and Supervisory Board and third-party evaluations.

The unanimous evaluation was that the composition of the Board of Directors was appropriate, that free and vigorous discussions were held under the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, an Outside Director, who presided from a neutral standpoint, that appropriate supervision and decision-making were carried out in response to various changes in the business environment, and that the effectiveness of the Board of Directors was ensured.

The Nomination Committee ensured that the process of the changes of CEO was highly fair and transparent, and the Compensation Committee revised the executive compensation system from a shareholder perspective, including the introduction of performance- linked stock-based compensation. Both committees, which are chaired by an Outside Director and consist of a majority of Outside Directors, conducted extensive deliberations and were evaluated as effectively functioning as advisory bodies to the Board of Directors.

It was judged that the selection of a new Lead Independent Director has further strengthened the effectiveness of governance, and the Board of Directors now engages in deliberations with a more shareholder-oriented perspective, with Directors aware of shareholder expectations and concerns through ongoing shareholder relations efforts by senior management and small meetings between shareholders and Outside Directors.

On the other hand, it was pointed out that further enhancement of deliberations and response to issues to achieve corporate value that meets the expectations of stakeholders and qualitative growth with transformation into a digital services company through steady implementation of the fiscal 2023 business plan are needed, based on the trends of the Company's corporate value and evaluation of the current business performance.

In addition, it was pointed out that, in transforming the business structure, it is necessary to review and continuously improve integrated risk management under the business unit structure.

Fiscal 2022 action items 1 and 2

In a highly uncertain business environment, the Board of Directors made efforts to understand the actual status of the business through monitoring the performance and measures of each business unit, and encouraged improvement of issues in response to the business environment.

It was positively evaluated that the Board of Directors also supported the development of the management infrastructure through deliberations on human capital strengthening, capital policy, and IT infrastructure overhaul, laying the foundation for the implementation strategies under the 21st MTS, as well as supervision and decision-making toward the transformation of the business structure, including implementation of growth investments and business alliances aimed at strengthening digital services.

On the other hand, recognizing that the highly uncertain business environment will continue, there were remarks pointing out the need for discussion on a resilient management structure, as well as the need to accelerate the transformation of the business structure to enhance corporate value, and the importance of deepening discussions on improving the profitability of the office services business and business portfolio management using ROIC.

Fiscal 2022 action item 3

The Board of Directors was commended for sharing governance issues through governance review meetings and Outside Executive Meetings, and for regularly requesting reports on internal audits, risk management, and ESG progress to strengthen the governance structure necessary for a digital services company.

Efforts to directly understand the operation status of the new personnel system and environmental initiatives through on-site inspections and communication with local employees, as well as in-depth discussions at Board of Directors' meetings and inspections from multiple perspectives, were highly evaluated as having led to improved effectiveness of the supervisory function.

Meanwhile, the need for verification of integrated risk management in accordance with the management structure based on the business unit structure, the response to risks specific to each region and business unit, the head office structure, and Ricoh-style job-based personnel system and its operation was also pointed out.

Efforts to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in fiscal 2023

Based on the above evaluation, the Company's Board of Directors will operate in accordance with the following basic policies and work to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors based on three specific action items.

Basic policies for fiscal 2023
  1. Discuss and oversee the realization of corporate value that meets stakeholder expectations
  2. Monitor and support performance and key measures, from both quantitative and qualitative aspects, to achieve qualitative growth with transformation into a digital services company
Fiscal 2023 action items
  1. Enhance deliberations on improving corporate value, deepen discussions to a level where concrete measures can be implemented, and provide more effective supervision from the perspective of corporate value
  2. Supervise and support the Company to achieve qualitative growth with transformation into a digital services company through steady implementation of the fiscal 2023 business plan
  3. Continuously improve integrated risk management linked to the management system, which enables both sound risk-taking and risk control in order to accelerate the transformation into a digital services company

Approach to Election of Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Election Criteria for Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Member are selected for a balance of knowledge, experience, and specialized abilities required of the Audit & Supervisory Board taken into consideration, such as, in particular, the appointment of at least one person with sufficient knowledge of finance and accounting, in addition to the candidate’s ability to contribute to the sound and sustained growth of the Company and the medium- to long-term enhancement of its corporate value through the performance of duties as an Audit & Supervisory Board Member.

In selecting candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the Audit & Supervisory Board has established the following criteria and makes a comprehensive judgment based on these criteria.

Audit ability
  1. Appropriate experience, ability, and the necessary knowledge regarding finance, accounting and law
  2. Professional skepticism and the ability to investigate facts properly, with an earnest attitude, and exercise objective judgement
  3. Sense of duty and courage founded on personal beliefs, and the ability to make active and forthright suggestions and proposals to Directors and employees
  4. The ability to see matters from a shareholders' perspective, act on this perspective, and engage in audits based on an attitude of learning from actual front lines, actual things and actual facts
Knowledge background and temperament
  1. Healthy in mind and body, and able to serve for a full four-year tenure as Audit & Supervisory Board Member
  2. Always aspires to improve him/herself, with a desire to learn new things
  3. Able to manage local staff and communicate in English

Election Criteria for Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members

In addition to the criteria above, Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members are elected based on their high degree of specialist insight in the fields of corporate management, finance, accounting and law, and their extensive experience. The absence of any issues of independence regarding their relationships with the Company, its Representative Director, other Directors and important employees, with reference to the Company's Standards for Independence of Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members, is an additional criterion.


In appointing Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the Company believes that the Audit & Supervisory Board should be composed of Audit & Supervisory Board Members with diverse experiences and perspectives, in addition to the above-mentioned auditing abilities, backgrounds, and personalities.

In addition, no distinction is made on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, nationality or similar attributes, and candidates are selected based on their character and knowledge, thus ensuring diversity in such attributes.

Election Process for Audit & Supervisory Board Members

“Recommendation of candidates” and “candidate nomination/proposal” for Audit & Supervisory Board Member is conducted primarily by the Audit & Supervisory Board, in accordance with the process shown below, with an emphasis on ensuring the independence of Audit & Supervisory Board Members. The Audit & Supervisory Board provides a list of candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Members based on the criteria for the appointment of Audit & Supervisory Board Members, recommends candidates based on the list and in deliberation with the President and CEO as necessary, and nominates and proposes candidates after confirmation by the Nomination Committee.

The Board of Directors respects the judgment of the Audit & Supervisory Board in resolving the nomination of candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Member.

Training for Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board Members

Training for the Company's Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members has the objective of enabling constructive discussion that contributes to improving corporate value and shareholder value via the oversight functions of the Board of Directors. It is conducted by acquiring and updating knowledge specific to the duties and environment for each of the Company's Internal and Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members. The goal of the training is to enable them to fulfill their roles and responsibilities fit for an executive that undertakes a position in the Company's important governing bodies.

Upon appointment of Internal Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, training is provided to allow these persons to confirm their expected roles and duties, as well as acquire knowledge necessary to carry out duties, including knowledge regarding corporate governance, law, and finance. Even after appointment, training opportunities are provided via internal/external training and e-learning initiatives suited to each Director and Audit & Supervisory Board Member so they can update their knowledge.

Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members are appointed from among those who have adequate insight and experience necessary to carry out duties. Upon appointment, to enable them to deepen their understanding of the Company's current status, they are briefed on topics such as business strategy, financial conditions, and organizational structure as well as make site visits to key locations as required. In addition, even after appointment, efforts are made to ensure and improve the management oversight function of the Board of Directors and the effectiveness of audits by Audit & Supervisory Board Members, through the regular provision and sharing of information on the status of the Company, the management environment, risks in business operations, etc., as well as the provision of an opportunity to grasp the actual situation of the company, such as participation as an observer in the management meeting (Group Management Committee) and site inspections.

To confirm that the above measures are being conducted appropriately, their results are reported to the Board of Directors.


Policy Regarding Cross-Shareholdings

From the viewpoint of streamlining and strengthening of business alliances and development of collaborative businesses, the Company shall be able to hold shares of the relating partners only when such holding of shares is deemed necessary and effective for the future development of Ricoh Group, while taking into consideration of the returns such as dividends.

Specifically, the Board of Directors will verify each issue whether the benefits and risks of the holding are worth the capital cost, and if the holding loses significance in the medium- to long-term, they will be reduced accordingly.

Specifically, the Board of Directors will verify, for each issue, whether the benefits and risks of holding shares are worth the capital cost, and if holding shares loses significance in the medium- to long-term, they will be reduced accordingly.

Exercise Criteria for Voting Rights to Cross-Shareholdings

The Company will exercise voting rights attached to cross-shareholdings upon examining each agenda whether it enhances the corporate value of the investee in the medium- to long-term, or whether it impairs shareholder value, and determining approval or disapproval.